European youth hacks the European Commission’s EU Green Week 2021.
Can we imagine a world without pollution? While this question was on everyone’s lips at the official opening of EU Green Week 2021, JA students chose action and took on the challenge as they participated in the “Gen-E Fights For Zero Pollution” hackathon. Organised as part of Europe’s biggest annual conference on environment policy and together with JA Lithuania in the run-up to Gen-E 2021, the hackathon was saluted by Virginijus Sinkevičius, European Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries who said that “the inventiveness of the European youth is taking us closer to a greener and healthier world. As we are setting ourselves very ambitious targets to end pollution in Europe, involving young people is the way forward and I am proud we could hear their voices at the EU Green Week 2021.” The jury was unanimous about the Cypriot team’s idea, who turns cigarette buds left on Mediterranean shores into reusable pen and ink!
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